Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How I Met Your Doppleganger

I know everyone is interested in how I'm making out finding everyone's
doppleganger. Well, so far only one. And the lucky winner is Alex.
Yep, redhead and all. Unfortunately, I couldn't get out the camera or
phone fast enough.

While I'm posting, I'll talk about the weather. First off, when we got
off the plane at about 9 in the morning on Saturday, it was about 50
and very overcast. Exactly what I expected. However, ever since it's
been perfectly sunny and about 75 which is about 10 degrees higher
than it should be. I blame Al Gore but most folks I talk with blame
our group from the States for bringing it with us. Although honestly,
not too many locals are complaining. They are very much taking
advantage of it. But I never would've thought that I should've packed
my sunscreen!

Currently watching the France/South Africa match while my "classmates"
are off at their business meetings. Suckers! I pretty much walked a
good bit of the city today going down by the river (although not in my
van) and then checking out some of the local parks. I hope that later
I can accurately describe the atmosphere of the city with all the
sights, sounds, and smells. It's quite something.

Until later...gone green.

Sent from myPhone

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