Sunday, January 11, 2009

So far west it's actually east

It's now the day before my trip out to China. For those that don't know, I'm heading to Beijing and Shanghai for a two prong trip. First, this all started with the Elon MBA program announcing that their big trip this year was going to be to China. I was immediately interested and told myself that I would buck up and do it. Round about the same time, my work tapped me for a project that involved me going to China a few times in the coming year. I was able to convince my upper management that I could combine the two into one mega-trip where I spend a few days at our Beijing facility and then meet up with my Elon classmates later in the week for another 9 days. It all came together quite nice and at the moment, I can't believe the trip is already here.

It's been a little stressful getting ready for in essence two trips. I've had a ton of up front work to do for work to get myself prepared for that portion of the trip. At the same time, I've had even more work to do for the school part of the trip. For the past month and a half, I've been completely submersed in all things China. If there's anything you want to know, just ask...I've probably read something about it (business, culture, etc.). Although, my Mandarin is a little rusty (which is to say non-existent). I'm sure the language difference will prove to be the most difficult aspect of the journey. But I know how to say "hello" and "beer" and I know the sign for the men's room so I think I'll be okay.

I'm pretty excited to finally see everything I've been reading about. I just want to get there and see everything for myself. Obviously, the tourist part of the trip will probably be the best. We're going to see the Great Wall, Tienanmen Square (less the tanks I'm sure), the Summer Palace, some tombs, and what will be super cool, the Olympic Village. And that's just in Beijing. I've been told Shanghai is like Times Square times 10 with all the lights (and people).

So I just wanted to document some pre-trip thoughts to get this off on the right foot. More when I'm over there unless the Chinese government has something against blog sights (which I've heard they might).

Fortune of the day - man who packs too much has heavy bag.

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